Custom Pages

How do I display the app on PageFly?

1. Go to the product page on PageFly 

2. On the left side, click "+" icon and find HTML/Liquid block 

3. Drag and drop it above the "add to cart" button 

4. Click on the block you dropped, then click on "open code editor" on the right 

5. Copy and paste the code below, then click "Save & Close"


    window.imageUploader = window.imageUploader || {};

    window.imageUploader.domain = {{ shop.permanent_domain | json }}

    window.imageUploader.settings = {% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.settings == blank %}{}{% else %}{{ shop.metafields.imageUploader.settings }}{% endif %};


  {% if template contains 'product' %}


      window.imageUploader.meta = {};

      window.imageUploader.meta.product = {{ product | json }};

      window.imageUploader.meta.collections = {{ product.collections | json }}


  {% endif %}

<div id='ImageUploaderContainer'></div>

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader %}

  {% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.settingScript %} 

<script type="text/javascript" async src={{shop.metafields.imageUploader.settingScript}}></script>

{% endif %}

  {% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.longSettings != blank %}


      window.imageUploader.longSettings = {{shop.metafields.imageUploader.longSettings}}


  {% endif %}

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.css %} 

<link rel="stylesheet" href={{shop.metafields.imageUploader.css}}>

{% endif %}

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.script1 %} 

<script type="text/javascript" async src={{shop.metafields.imageUploader.script1}}></script>

{% endif %}

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.script2 %} 

<script type="text/javascript" async src={{shop.metafields.imageUploader.script2}}></script>

{% endif %}

{% endif %} 

6. Click "Save" on top right 

7. After saved, click "Publish" 

8. Make sure the Mighty Image Uploader app settings are saved and target the product page 

How do I display the app on GemPages?

1. Go to the GemPages app

2. Go to a product page that you want to edit on GemPages

3. Drag and drop the < / > Liquid block to a section above the "add to cart" button 

4. Hover over that liquid block and click edit (pencil icon) 

5. Copy and paste this section of code in there 


    window.imageUploader = window.imageUploader || {};

    window.imageUploader.domain = {{ shop.permanent_domain | json }};

    window.imageUploader.settings = {% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.settings == blank %}{}{% else %}{{ shop.metafields.imageUploader.settings }}{% endif %};


  {% if template contains 'product' %}


      window.imageUploader.meta = {};

      window.imageUploader.meta.product = {{product | json }};

      window.imageUploader.meta.collections = {{ product.collections | json }}


  {% endif %}

<div id="ImageUploaderContainer"></div>

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader %}

  {% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.settingScript %} 

<script type="text/javascript" async="" src="{{shop.metafields.imageUploader.settingScript}}"></script>

{% endif %}

  {% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.longSettings != blank %}


      window.imageUploader.longSettings = {{shop.metafields.imageUploader.longSettings}}


  {% endif %}

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.css %} 

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{shop.metafields.imageUploader.css}}">

{% endif %}

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.script1 %} 

<script type="text/javascript" async="" src="{{shop.metafields.imageUploader.script1}}"></script>

{% endif %}

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader.script2 %} 

<script type="text/javascript" async="" src="{{shop.metafields.imageUploader.script2}}"></script>

{% endif %}

{% endif %} 

6. Click "Save" on code editor 

7. Click "Save" and "Publish" at the top of this setting page 

Cart & Checkout Page 

Why can't I see images on cart page?

If custom properties are displayed in cart

Shopify 2.0 Theme: Turn on "display photo in cart option" 

1. On the dashboard, if you have OS2.0 theme, you can go to very bottom of the settings 

Here's the button for you to click on 

When hover over the button, you will see a .gif file displaying how to add the app block 

Once you clicked on it, it will take you to "customize shopify theme" screen and automatically turn on "display photo in cart" 

2. If you don't see that, you can also go to the bottom of the settings, hover over "customize app block in your theme" 

Once you click on that, make sure "display photo in cart app" is on 

Manually edit theme to display photo

* Remember that you need a little technical coding skills to find the file * 

1. Go to "edit code" section in Shopify theme

2. Search for "cart" in the theme file section 

Usually you are looking for:

3. Search for "properties" inside liquid file

You are search for a "for loop" where cart-item is displaying the properties 

4. Find this code block

{%- else -%}

    {{ property.last }}

{%- endif -%}

5. Replace with that

{% elsif property.last contains 'digitaloceanspaces'%}

     <a href="{{ property.last }}" target="_blank" style="border-bottom: none">

          <img src="{{property.last}}" style="max-width: 50px;"/>


{% else %}

     {{ property.last }}

{%- endif -%}

* special note that if the original code is {{ property.last }}, you need to make sure it's all {{ property.last }} instead of {{ p.last }}. * 

Check the spelling of property variable here:

If custom properties are not displayed in cart 

1. Go to the cart page

2. Right click -> inspect 

3. Click on the arrow on rectangle icon next to console tab 

4. Hover over the product info box + click on it 

5. After clicked on #4, you should see highlighted section, in this case it's div with class="pro-title name" 

Remember the class name in class="pro-title name", you will need this to find the section of code next 

Copy the item properties code to display in cart 

6. Go to "edit code" in Shopify theme 

7. Search "cart" on top left to see possible files with "cart" in its name 

8. On the .liquid file, (in this case cart-template.liquid), on the right INSIDE the file, do a search for pro-title name (from step #5) 

9. Towards the close div, paste in this section of code towards the end of div containing class="(name you searched for)" 

* Make sure other areas have item.(field) *

{%- for property in item.properties -%}

                          {%- assign property_first_char = property.first | slice: 0 -%}

                          {%- if property.last != blank and property_first_char != '_' -%}

                            <div class="product-option">

                              <dt>{{ property.first }}: </dt>


                                {%- if property.last contains '/uploads/' -%}

                                  <a href="{{ property.last }}" class="link" target="_blank">

                                    {{ property.last | split: '/' | last }}


                                {%- else -%}

                                  {{ property.last }}

                                {%- endif -%}



                          {%- endif -%}

                        {%- endfor -%}

Why can't I see images in popup cart?

There's several themes that may not display images correctly on pop up box, we will manually add them in 

* Remember that you need a little technical coding skills to find the file * 

1. Go to "edit code" section in Shopify theme 

online store => theme => live theme => action => edit theme 

2. Search for "cart" in the theme file section 

Usually you are looking for: 

3. Search for "properties" inside liquid file

You are search for a "for loop" where cart-item is displaying the properties 

4. Find this code block

{%- else -%}

    {{ property.last }}

{%- endif -%}

Replace with that: 

{% elsif property.last contains 'digitaloceanspaces'%}

     <a href="{{ property.last }}" target="_blank" style="border-bottom: none">

          <img src="{{property.last}}" style="max-width: 50px;"/>


{% else %}

     {{ property.last }}

{%- endif -%}

* if the original code is {{ property.last }}, you need to make sure it's all {{ property.last }} instead of {{ p.last }}. *

Check the spelling of property variable here

Can I hide image links on checkout page?

Yes you are able to hide image links on checkout page. All you have to do is: 

Turn on "hide custom uploader fields" under Extras within settings and save

Please remember:

Can I hide image links on checkout page but display on cart page?

1. Go to your Shopify theme => edit code 

2. Search for cart

Usually you are looking for cart.liquid, cart-template.liquid, or cart-item.liquid

3. Inside that properties loop, find some name that has "first"

4. Click save. So in the future, when uploading images, you will see "_" in front

Download Orders

Why are download orders not working?

Once an order is not downloading, it is likely ONE of the orders has some issues such as:

Can I download more than 10 images at once?

Currently we are not able to handle more than 10 orders. This may change in the future.

Can I download cropped / live preview photos?

Currently our app does not offer image capture for live preview photos or custom mask cropped photos. This may change in the future.

Where are image files saved to? 

Our images are all uploaded to the server and you can access them only through specific valid image links

If others don't have this link then they cannot access your images

Why can I not see the images on the download orders? 

1. Maybe you forgot to make the picture upload required 

Check for the settings and see if you have "upload required" turned on

How to check product page setting:

2. Check if the actual "add to cart" button adds image links 

Home Page Display 

How do I display the app on home page?

Make sure that the setting that is displaying has Extras => "display on front page" turned on 

1. Go to online store => edit code on published theme 

2. Search "featured-product.liquid", and open up that file 

3. Find the first place that assigns product or has "product.(something after)" 

4. Copy this set of code after them 

{% if shop.metafields.imageUploader %}


window.imageUploader = window.imageUploader || {};

window.imageUploader.meta = {};

window.imageUploader.meta.product = {

id: {{product.id}},

title: "{{product.title}}",

handle: "{{product.handle}}",

vendor: "{{product.vendor}}",

type: "{{product.type}}",

tags: {{product.tags | json}},

      variants: {{product.variants | json}}


window.imageUploader.meta.collections = {{ product.collections | json }};

window.imageUploader.meta.featured = true</script> 

{% endif %}

5. Click Save

6. Go back to Admin Dashboard => Online Store => Customize 

7. Go to Home Page On Customize Shopify page 

8. Find "Featured product" Section on the left tab, If it doesn't have it, add one 

9. Add our app block above "buy buttons"

Product Page Display 

Can I extra customize the app's button?

1. Go to Shopify theme -> Edit code -> Assets -> css file 

2. Add this set of code to the css file

If you want extra round corner, add: 

.upload-wrapper .upload-button {

  border-radius: 10px !important; 


if you want extra border, add: 

.upload-wrapper .upload-button {

  border: 5px solid black !important;


Does the app have a live preview?

Currently we do not have live preview feature but we do have "upload custom mask" shape feature

You can place a transparent PNG file on top of the uploaded photo for display like iphone or heart photos

Email Display 

How do I display uploaded images in order confirmation email?

1. Go to the settings in admin dashboard (bottom left of the screen) 

2. Go to notifications => order confirmation 

3. On the template code, scroll down to find this piece of code:

{% if line.variant_title != 'Default Title' %}

            <span class="order-list__item-variant">{{ line.variant_title }}</span><br/>

          {% endif %}

4. Add this code after it 

{% unless line.properties == empty %}

<ul style="padding: 0">

  {% for property in line.properties %}

  <li style="

    display: flex; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px;

">{{ property.first }}: {% if property.first contains "Image" or property.last contains 'digitalocean'%}

  <a href="{{property.last}}" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">

   <img src="{{ property.last }}" width="60" height="60" class="order-list__product-image"/>


{% else %}

   {{ property.last }}

{% endif %}</li>

  {% endfor %}


{% endunless %}    


Can I add a custom text without an image?

1. Select "hide upload", so select shape displays "hide upload button" 

2. Under product options, click "add new product option" 

3. Choose "Text - Short" as a product option and edit your custom text field 

Can I get the whole photo without cropping?

1. Turn on auto-crop in settings 

2. Select Rectangle shape + No minimum dimension 

Feature Requests   

Can I use a different file format (PDF, TIFF)?

Currently our app does not offer support for PDF or TIFF because we are not able to process the photo and crop them like JPG or PNG files. We will add this feature request to our road map

Can I upload several files of different dimensions? 

We currently do not offer feature to let buyers upload different shapes at once

However, if you want to select different shapes and upload 1 type of shape, you can try out the advanced setting

Can I sync up the different shapes with my variant?

Currently we do not have different size variant sync feature at the moment. We will add this feature request to our road map

Can I get 300DPI images?

Currently our app is only able to upload photos at 72DPI. So when we crop images with web browsers, the standard is 72 DPI not 300 DPI

Can I render app into other languages?

Currently only one language store is supported by our app. If there are different languages, our app cannot be  translated into another language. We will add this feature request to our road map


Can I remove settings/app charge on uninstall? 

The app will automatically cancel the subscription charge once you uninstall

Also, once the app is uninstalled, the settings will be removed due to the privacy reasons